How To Set Up Your Loops Campaign
Step 1: Click on Campaigns
Step 2: Click New Campaign and Choose Loop
Step 3: Create Landing Page
Name (Name your campaign)
Keyword (The keyword is what you will choose that will start the automation)
Discount Type (Your offer for this landing page/Loop)
Step 4: Landing Builder
Background Color
Background Video - If you wish for a video to play
Background Image
Upload your logo for your landing page (Optional)
Heading (Your main objective of why your customer should sign up)
Description (What they need to do to get offer)
Choose the information you’d like to get from the customer
Business Name
Business Website
Action Button
Change Color of Button
Change Text on Button
Legal Footer
Add Privacy Policy
Add Terms of Service
Step 5: Sharing Options to gain Points
Turn on what you would like points to be rewarded for
Referral Opt-in
Facebook Share
Twitter Share
Linkedin Share
Pinterest Share
Liking Facebook
Liking Twitter
Liking Linkedin
Liking Pinterest
You will want to add in your link to each social media account so your customer can like the correct page.
Step 6: Reward (Setting up Rewards)
Press Add Reward
Fill out Reward Form
Points to Unlock Reward
Days for reward to expire
Name of Reward
Description of Reward
Content for Reward (What the reward is with the offer code)
Option to set up follow up messages
Turn on Reward
Step 7: Sharing Page (Design your Sharing Page)
Title of Reward Page
Where they need to go to check for coupon code
How they can unlock more rewards
Get Points
Let the know that if they share the URL they will get more rewards
You will be able to edit the places people can share and follow to get points.
You will just upload the image for the social media platform (you can google this to get the image
You will then put in what you want them to do
Share on Linkedin
Follow on Linkedin
You can change the background color to go with the social media platform and the text color.
Item Background and Text Color
Icon Background and Icon Color
Unlock Icon Background and Icon Color
Tab Background and Unlock Tab Color
- Title
- Success Text